, John Comber
A discussion on using agnostic technology to avoid locking in to a specific vendor's technology stack ...
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Dispatch a Workflow from Another Workflow Step in GitHub Actions
, John Comber
This example demonstrates how to dispatch a workflow from another workflow step in GitHub Actions ...
Get the Short SHA of a Commit in GitHub Actions
, John Comber
This example demonstrates how to get the short SHA commit in a GitHub Action ...
Configure a GitHub Codespaces Docker File for Google Cloud SDK and Terraform
, John Comber
This example demonstrates how to configure a GitHub Codespaces Docker file for Google Cloud SDK and Terraform ...
Configuring CPU, Memory and Scaling Settings in Google Cloud Run using Terraform
, John Comber
This example demonstrates how to configure CPU, memory and scaling settings in Google Cloud Run using Terraform ...
Bulk Converting FLAC Files to MP3
, John Comber
This example demonstrates a way to bulk convert FLAC files to MP3 using Linux, Powershell and the ffmpeg utility ...
Get Google Cloud Project Id by Name in a GitHub Action Step
, John Comber
This example demonstrates how to get the Id of a Google Cloud Project from the Project Name then assign it to an environment variable ...
React Component – Incrementor with Submit Delay using Hooks
, John Comber
I recently had a requirement to develop a React component that would provide the functionality to increment / decrement a value n times but only submit a single request to the back end with the final value ...
Basic String Compression
, John Comber
A recent coding challenge required the development of an algorithm to perform basic string compression. For example, given the input: 'aaaaabbbcccccccdddd', the output should be: 'a5b3c7d4' ...
Azure Function to CosmosDB Example
, John Comber
This example project demonstrates a way to create a CosmosDB document from an HTTP POST request (with a route parameter and a JSON array in the body) to an Azure Function implementing C# domain model objects ...
How to Reduce Fan Noise on a PC / Laptop Running Windows 10
, John Comber
The fan in a PC / laptop is used to cool the machine when it’s in a hot environment and / or when it’s running intensive process(es) that cause the processor and other components to heat up. The fan will run faster (and therefore generate more noise) the higher the internal temperature of the machine ...